Hoofstuk 2

  1. Inleiding

“The idea of a universal human language goes back to at least the Bible, in which humanity spoke a common tongue, but were punished with mutual unintelligibility after trying to build the Tower of Babel all the way to heaven. Now scientists have reconstructed words from such a language.” (Ghose 2013)

“Language is more than an academic tool. It has idioms that offer a window into the lives and history of those who speak it.” (Zibi 2013: 6)

“A language is not just words. It’s a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It’s all embodied in a language.” (Noam Chomsky)

  • Die ontstaan van die mens

Tobias 1986a. Die voorgeskiedenis van die mens in Afrika, bl. 11-19.

Tobias 1986b. Die laaste miljoen jaar in Suider-Afrika, bl. 20-27.

Van Aswegen 1982. Die Verhaal van die Mensdom. (Hoofstuk 1.)

Barnard, A. 2016. Language in Prehistory.

Blundell (ed.) 2006. Origins: The Story of the Emergence of Humans and Humanity in Africa.

Harari 2014. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.

Sayce 2015 [1880]. Introduction to the Science of Language. 2 vol. (Hoofstuk 10.)

  • Die konsep “taal”

Coetzee, A. 2007. Wat is taal?

Prins, P. 1938. Hoe oud is Afrikaans?, bl. 16.

Schoonees 1965a. Die wonder van taal, bl. 17.

De Boer, B. 2012. Hoe spraak de oermens?

Deutscher 2012. Door de bril van taal. Hoe woorden de wêreld kleuren.

Dorren, G. 2016. Verdwaald in de taal. Bizarre taalkundige theorieën. Onze Taal, 2016 (11). November.

Jansen & Boogaardt 2012. De taalcanon. Alles wat je altijd al had willen weten over taal.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 11-17.

Nieuwenhuijsen 2005. Het verschijnsel TAAL, bl. 16-21, 118-122.

Barber 2009. The English language: a historical introduction, bl. 1-10.

Bergmann e.a. (eds.) 2010. Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics. Hoofstuk 1.

Bickerton 1990. Language and Species.

Blake, B.J. 2008. All about language, bl. 271-282.

Bouchard 2013. The Nature and Origin of Languages.

Campbell & Mixco 2007. A Glossary of Historical Linguistics.

Comrie e.a. 2010. The Atlas of Languages. The origin and development of languages throughout the world, bl. 7-13.

Crystal 1969. What is linguistics?

Deutscher 2005. The unfolding of language. An evolutionary tour of mankind’s greatest invention.

Dinneen 1995. General linguistics, bl. 1-10.

Evans, V. 2014. The Language Myth. Why Language Is Not an Instinct.

Kotzé, F.F. 2015b. We need to remember why we teach and learn languages.

Lightbown & Spade 2006. How languages are learned.

Lyons 1981. Language and Linguistics.

McWhorter 2003. The power of Babel, bl. 1 e.v.

Moreno & Mendívil-Giró 2014. On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language. A Critical Overview.

Newbrook e.a. 2013. Strange Linguistics. (Hoofstukke 1, 3.)

Nye (ed.) 1998. Philosophy: The Big Questions. (Deel A oor die vraag: “Language: What is it?”)

Poole 1999. An Introduction to Linguistics, bl. 2-21.

Samata 2014. Cultural Memory of Language.

Sampson, G. 2005. Educating Eve. The ‘Language Instinct’ Debate.

Searle, J. 2006. What is language? Some preliminary remarks, bl. 15-46.

Sinha 2005. Modern Linguistics, bl. 13-45.

Tomasello 2014. A Natural History of Thinking.

Carling, G. (ed.) 2019. The Mouton Atlas of Languages and Cultures . Berlyn: De Gruyter Mouton. Book URL: https://bit.ly/2Q35hbT

Koshelev, A.; A. Kravchenko & J. Smith 2020. On the Genesis of Thought and Language. The Emergence of Concepts and Propositions. The Nature and Structure of Human Category. Moskou: LRC Publishing House. Book URL: https://www.academicstudiespress.com/out-of-series/on-the-genesis-of-thought-and-language?rq=koshelev

Thierry, G. 2019. The power of language: we translate our thoughts into words, but words also affect the way we think. Geplaas 26 Febr. 2019. https://theconversation.com/the-power-of-language-we-translate-our-thoughts-into-words-but-words-also-affect-the-way-we-think-111801

Zeijlstra, H. 2020. De geniale eenvoud van taal. Wat ons allemaal tot talenwonder maakt. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek.


Wikipedia 2013cc. Language.

  • Die oorsprong, ontwikkeling, evolusie van taal

“Weinig dingen zijn zo leuk als speculeren over de oorsprong van menselijke taal. Het is zo’n ingewikkeld systeem, waar komt dat allemaal vandaan, hoe is het ontstaan, hoe heeft het zich ontwikkeld? Omdat taal zo belangrijk is voor ons menszijn, lijkt het een vreselijk belangrijke vraag.” (M. Van Oostendorp 2017 – http://www.neerlandistiek.nl/2017/07/de-evolutie-van-grammatica-uit-het-zicht/ geplaas 21 Julie 2017)

Brits, E 2011. Oorsprong van mens in Afrika dáárom ontken.

Malan, M. 2006. Afrika was dalk taal se bakermat.

Odendaal, G. 1993. ÉÉN taal vir hele wêreld.

Comrie e.a. 1998. De grote taalatlas: oorsprong en ontwikkeling van taal en schrift in de gehele wereld.

Deutscher 2012. Door de bril van taal. Hoe woorden de wêreld kleuren.

Droste 2005. Over de oorsprong van de taal of hoe we sprekend mens geworden zijn.

Muysken 1999. Talen: de toren van Babel, bl. 34 e.v.

Van der Wal 2014. “In gesprek met het taalverleden.”

Van Maris 2011. Hoe is taal ontstaan?

Van Oostendorp 2013c. Anderes dan tot nu toe werd aangenomen.

Van Oostendorp 2014b. Is wijzen de oertaal?

Van Oostendorp 2014e. Mensen zijn apen en vogels in één.

Van Oostendorp 2016b. Zijn alle talen terug te leiden op één oertaal?

Aikhenvald 2014. The Art of Grammar. A Practical Guide.

Aitchison 2000. The Seeds of Speech. Language Origin and Evolution.

Allan (ed.) 2013. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics.

Anoniem 2007. New research confirms ‘Out of Africa’ theory of human evolution.

Barnard, A. 2016. Language in Prehistory.

Bauer e.a. 2006. Language Matters. (Deel 1.)

Berwick & Chomsky 2016. Why only us? Language and evolution.

Bickerton 1981. Roots of Language.

Bickerton 1990. Language and Species.

Bickerton 2007. Language evolution: a brief guide for linguists.

Bickerton 2008. But how did protolanguage actually start?

Blake, B.J. 2008. All about language, bl. 271-282.

Boë, L-J.; J. Fagot, P. Perrier & J-L. Schwartz 2018. Origins of Human Language: Continuities and Discontinuities with Nonhuman Primates. Berlyn:  Peter Lang AG.

Botha, R.P. 2016. Language Evolution. The Windows Approach.

Botha & Everaert (eds.) 2013. The Evolutionary Emergence of Language. Evidence and Inference.

Bouchard 2013. The Nature and Origin of Languages.

Burling 2005. The Talking Ape. How language evolved.

Carstairs-McCarthy 2007. Language evolution: What linguists can contribute.

Christiansen & Kirby (eds.) 2003. Language Evolution.

Christiansen & Chaser 2016. Creating Language. Integrating Evolotion, Acquisition, and Processing.

Comrie e.a. 2010. The Atlas of Languages. The origin and development of languages throughout the world, bl. 7-13.

Corballis 2002. From Hand to Mouth: The Origins of Language.

Davidson J.P. 2011. Planet Word. The story of language from the earliest grunts to Twitter and beyond.

Dediu & Levinson 2013. On the antiquity of language: the reinterpretation of Neandertal linguistic capacities and its consequences, bl. 1-17.

De Grolier (ed.) 1983. The Origin and Evolution of Language.

Dessalles 2007. Why We Talk. The evolutionary origins of language.

Deutscher 2005. The unfolding of language. An evolutionary tour of mankind’s greatest invention.

Dor e.a. 2014. The Social Origins of Language.

Enfield 2014. Natural causes of language.

Evans, V. 2014. The Language Myth. Why Language Is Not an Instinct.

Finch 2013. Word of Mouth. A New Introduction to Language and Communication.

Fitch 2010. The Evolution of Language.

Fortey 1998. Life. An Unauthorised Biography. A Natural History of the First 4,000,000,000 Years on Earth.

Geary 1997. Speaking in tongues, bl. 48-54.

Håkansson & Westander 2013. Communication in Humans and Other Animals.

Hurford 2014. Origins of Language.

Harnad, Steklis & Lancaster (eds.) 1976. Origins and Evolution of Language and Speech.

Hauser e.a. 2002. The faculty of language: What is it, who has it, and how did it evolve?

Heine & Kuteva 2007. The Genesis of Grammar. A Reconstruction.

Hockett 1960. The origin of speech.

Hrdy 2009. Mothers and others. The evolutionary origins of mutual understanding.

Janson 2003. Speak. A short history of languages, bl. 1-15.

Janson 2012. The history of languages. An introduction, bl. 1-47.

Jespersen 1922. Language. Its nature, development and origin.

Johanson & Edgar 1996. From Lucy to Language.

Johansson 2006. Origins of Language. Constraints on hypotheses.

Johansson 2013. The talking Neanderthals: What do fossils, genetics and archeology say?, bl. 35-74.

Johansson 2015. Language Abilities in Neanderthals, bl. 311-332.

Kenneally 2007. The First Word: The Search for the Origins of Language.

Keys 2005. Found: Europe’s oldest civilisation.

Kirby & Christiansen (eds.) 2003. Language Evolution.

Lefebvre e.a. (eds.) 2013. New Perspectives on the Origins of Language.

Lieberman 2007. The evolution of human speech: Its anatomical and neural bases.

Lightbown & Spade 2006. How languages are learned.

Lightfoot 1999. The Development of Language: Acquisition, Change and Evolution.

MacNeilage 2008. The Origin of Speech.

McNeill 2012. How language began. Gesture and speech in human evolution.

McWhorter 2003. The power of Babel.

Mufwene 2001. The ecology of language evolution.

Mufwene 2008. Language Evolution. Contact, Competition and Change.

Mufwene 2016b. Language could be humankind’s most impressive technological invention.

Parry 2012. Mother of many modern languages traced to Ancient Turkey.

Pinker 2000. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language.

Poole 1999. An Introduction to Linguistics, bl. 2-21.

Rincon 2003. ‘Earliest writing’ found in China.

Ruhlen 1994b. The Origin of Language. Tracing the evolution of the mother tongue.

Samata 2014. Cultural Memory of Language.

Sinha 2005. Modern Linguistics, bl. 13-27.

Smits, R. 2016. Dawn. The Origins of Language and the Modern Human Mind.

Tallerman 2007. Did our ancesters speak a holistic protolanguage? Lingua, 117: 579-604.

Taylor, J.R. 2014. The Mental Corpus. How Language is Represented in the Mind.

Taylor, T.J. 1996. The origin of language: why it never happened.

Tallerman & Gibson (eds.) 2012. The Oxford Handbook of Language Evolution.

Turner 2014. Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities. (Boek oor die ontwikkeling van die studie van taal as vertrekpunt in die geesteswetenskappe.)

Velasquez-Manoff 2007. Linguists seek a time when we spoke as one.

Vendryès 1949. Language – A linguistic introduction to history.

Wade 2011. Phonetic clues hint language is Africa-born.

Wildgen 2004. The evolution of human language. Scenarios, principles, and culture dynamics.

Yule 2014. The study of language. (Hoofstukke 1 en 17.)

Arbib, M.A. (ed.) 2020. How the Brain Got Language – Towards a New Road Map. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Book URL: https://benjamins.com/catalog/bct.112

Berwick, R.C. & N. Chomsky 2016. Why Only Us: Language and Evolution. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Bichakjian, B.H. 2017. Language evolution: How language was built and made to evolve. Language Sciences, 63: 119-129.

D’Alonzo, J. 2017. Ludwig Noiré and the Debate on Language Origins in the 19th Century. Historiographica Linguistica, 44(1): 47-71.

Ferretti, F.; I. Adornetti, A. Chiera, S. Nicchiarelli, R. Magni, G. Valeri & A. Marini 2017. Mental Time Travel and language evolution: a narrative account of the origins of human communication. Language Sciences, 63: 105-118.

Fritschy, Y. 2019. De stam van het woord. Over taalevolutie en de eerste taal ter wereld. New Scientist, Pocket Science.

Gavin, M. 2017. Why do human beings speak so many languages? Geplaas 16 Julie 2017. http://theconversation.com/why-do-human-beings-speak-so-many-languages-75434

Gontier, N. 2017. What are the levels and mechanisms/processes of language evolution? Language Sciences, 63: 12-43.

Sampson, G. 2017. The Linguistics Delusion. Sheffield & Connecticut: Equinox.

Zywiczynski, P.; N. Gontier & S.Wacewicz 2017. The evolution of (proto-)language: Focus on mechanisms. Language Sciences, 63: 1-11.

  • Die Toring van Babel

Die Bybel – Genesis 11: 1-9.

Borst 1995. Der Turmbau von Babel: Geschichte der Meinungen über Ursprung und Vielfalt der Sprachen und Völker.

Muysken 1999. Talen: de toren van Babel, bl. 56 e.v.

Van Dijk, T. 2001a. De Toren van Babel, bl. 72-82.

Edwards, J. 1995. Multilingualism. (Hoofstuk 2, bl. 39-53.)

Fromkin & Rodman 1974. An introduction to language, bl. 224-247.

Geary 1997. Speaking in tongues, bl. 48-54.

Ghose 2013. Before Babel? Ancient mother tongue reconstructed.

Gibbs 2002. Saving languages, bl. 63-69.

Haugen 1973. The curse of Babel.

Haugen 1987. Blessings of Babel: Bilingualism and Language Planning.

Hiebert 2007. The Tower of Babel and the Origin of the World’s Cultures.

McWhorter 2003. The power of Babel.

Parry 2012. Mother of many modern languages traced to Ancient Turkey.

Sherman 2014. Babel’s Tower Translated: Genesis 11 and Ancient Jewish interpretation, bl .145-152.

Tal 2003. Linguistics and the Tower of Babel.

Wotton 1730. A discourse concerning the confusion of languages at Babel.


Wikipedia 2013dd. Tower of Babel.

  • Kan ʼn taal ‘besit’ word?

Kotzé, E.F. 2014b. Afrikaans as besitting, en die politiek van herstandaardisering.

Robertson 2014. Can you own a language?[1]

  • Die ontwikkeling van skrifstelsels, ortografieë

Fencham 1969. Die ontstaan van ons alfabet bly ‘n geheim.

Ploos van Amstel 1929a. Die boek en sy geskiedenis.

Ploos van Amstel 1929b. Die boek en sy geskiedenis II.

Viljoen, G. van N. 1959. Waarvandaan ons alfabet?

Ploos van Amstel 1929d. Die boek en sy geskiedenis IV.

Ribbink 1932. Die ontwikkeling van skrif en boeke.

Ploos van Amstel 1929c. Die boek en sy geskiedenis III.

Aalbrecht 2013. Taal voor in bed, op het toilet of in bad, bl. 110-115.

Bakker 2012. Letters, wat zijn dat eigenlijk?, bl. 165-167.

Comrie e.a. 1998. De grote taalatlas: oorsprong en ontwikkeling van taal en schrift in de gehele wereld. (Deel 3, bl. 162-209.)

Philippa & Quak 1994. Runen – Een helder alfabet uit duistere tijden.

Allan (ed.) 2013. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics.

Allen 1999, 2014. Middle Egyptian. An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs.

Baddeley & Voeste (eds.) 2012. Orthographies in Early Modern Europe.

Baron 2012. A Better Pencil. Readers, Writers and the Digital Revolution. (Ook oor die rol van tegnologie in die ontwikkeling van skrif en skryf.)

Bergmann e.a. (eds.) 2010. Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics.

Buncic e.a. (eds.) 2016. Biscriptality.

Campbell & Mixco 2007. A Glossary of Historical Linguistics.

Campbell, L. 2004. Historical linguistics. An introduction, bl. 327-338.

Campbell & Moseley 2011. The Routledge Handbook of Scripts and Alphabets.

Sinha 2005. Modern Linguistics, bl. 178-183.

Coulmas 1989. The Writing Systems of the World.

Daniels & Bright (eds.) 1996. The World’s Writing Systems.

Diringer 1948. The Alphabet. A Key to the History of Mankind.

Mountford 1990. Language and writing systems, bl. 378-388.

Newbrook e.a. 2013. Strange Linguistics. (Hoofstukke 4, 5.)

Palmer, L.R. 1972. Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics. A Critical Introduction, bl. 255-268.

Robinson, A. 2007. The Story of Writing: Alphabets, Hieroglyphs and Pictograms.

Sampson, G. 2015. Writing systems. A linguistic introduction.

Coulmas 2003. Writing Systems. An Introduction to their Linguistic Analysis.

Daniels, P.T. 2018. An Exploration of Writing. Londen: Equinox Publishing Ltd.

Hock, H.H. & B.D. Joseph 2019. Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship. An Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Berlyn: De Gruyter Mouton. (Hoofstuk 3.)

2. Die historiese taalkunde vs. die geskiedenis van die taalkunde

“De historische taalkunde bestudeert hoe het moderne Nederlands is ontstaan uit oudere taalfasen en waar de taal- en spellingsregels die iedereen op school leert, vandaan komen. Het toepassen van die regels is niet meer dan een kunstje, waar maar weinig mensen plezier aan beleven. Veel interessanter wordt het echter als je de bron van die regels kent. ..

Voor wetenschappers in de dop zijn de fundamentele vragen die de historische taalkunde onderzoekt, intellectueel het meest uitdagend. Centraal staat de vraag hoe en waarom taal in de loop van de tijd verandert. Dát taal verandert is daarbij een gegeven.” (N. van der Sijs 2019 – https://www.neerlandistiek.nl/2019/02/waarom-historische-taalkunde/)

  • Die historiese taalkunde (“historical linguistics”) as studieterrein

Ruijsendaal 1991. Letterkonst. Het klassieke grammaticamodel en de oudste Nederlandse grammatica’s.

Van Bree 1987. Historische Grammatica van het Nederlands.

Allan 2010. The Western Classical Tradition in Linguistics.

Allan (ed.) 2013. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics.

Anderson, J.M. 2010. Historical linguistics.

Anttila 1972. An Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics.

Auroux e.a. 2000-2006. History of the Language Sciences. 3 vols.

Ayres-Bennett 1987. Linguistic historiography.

Beekes 2011. Comparative Indo-European Linguistics. An introduction.

Bergs & Brinton (eds.) 2012. English Historical Linguistics, Vol. 2.

Bowern & Evans (eds.) 2015. The Routledge Handbook of Historical Linguistics.

Bynon 1983. Historical linguistics.

Campbell, L. 2004. Historical Linguistics. An Introduction., bl. 1 e.v.

Campbell & Mixco 2007. A Glossary of Historical Linguistics.

Collinge (ed.) 1990. An Encyclopaedia of Language

Crowley & Bowen 2010. An Introduction to Historical Linguistics.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language.

Dimmendaal 2011. Historical Linguistics and the Comparative Study of African Languages.

Dinneen 1995. General linguistics, bl. 113 e.v..

Goossens, L. 2010. Historical linguistics.

Hammerström 2012. Fundamentals of Diachronic Linguistics.

Hernández-Campoy & Conde Silvestre (eds.) 2012. The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics.

Hock 1991. Principles of Historical Linguistics. Berlyn: Mouton de Gruyter.

Hock & Joseph 2009. Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship: An Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics.

Hock, H.H. & B.D. Joseph 2019. Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship. An Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Berlyn: De Gruyter Mouton. (Hoofstuk 1.)

Hogan (ed.) 2011, 2014. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences.

Honeybone 2012. History and Historical Linguistics.

Janson 2003. Speak. A short history of linguistics.

Jeffers & Lehiste 1979. Principles and Methods of Historical Linguistics.

King 1969. Historical Linguistics and Generative Grammar.

Kiparsky 2015. New perspectives on historical linguistics, bl. 64-102.

Koerner e.a. (eds.) 2001. History of the Language Sciences. An International Handbook on the Study of Languages from the Beginnings to the Present.

Lass 1997. Historical Linguistics and Language Change.

Lass 2015. Lineage and the constructive imagination: the birth of historical linguistics, bl. 45-63.

Lehmann 1962. Historical Linguistics: An Introduction.

Luraghi & Bubenik (eds.) 2010. The Continuum Companion to Historical Linguistics.

Malmkjaer (ed.) 2010. The Linguistics Encyclopedia.

Matthews, P.H. 1997. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics.

McMahon 1994. Understanding language change.

Palmer, F.R. 1972. Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics. A Critical Introduction, bl. 207 e.v.

Ramat e.a. (eds.) 2013. Synchrony and Diachrony. A Dynamic Interface.

Ringe & Eska 2013. Historical linguistics. Toward a Twenty-First Century Reintegration.

Schendl 2001. Historical linguistics.

Sonnenschein 2014. The Soul of Grammar.

Stammerjohann e.a. (eds.) 2009. Lexicon Grammaticorum: a Bio-Bibliographical Companion to the History of Linguistics.

Szemerénski 1999. Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 1-34.

Trask 2000. The Dictionary of Historical and Comparative Linguistics.

Trask 2007. Trask’s Historical Linguistics.

Trask 2015. Trask’s Historical Linguistics.

Trask 2010. Why do Languages Change?

Vendryès 1949. Language – A linguistic introduction to history.

Wikipedia 2013h. Historical linguistics.

Nübling e.a. 2010. Historische Sprachwissenschaft des Deutschen.

Thomsen 1927. Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft.

Boas, H.C. & M. Pierce (eds.) 2019. New Directions for Historical Linguistics. Impact and Synthesis, 50 Years Later. Leiden: Brill. Book URL: https://brill.com/view/title/56120

Van Driem, George. 2018. Linguistic history and historical linguistics, Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 41 (1): 106-127. 

Winters, M.E. 2020 (3rd ed.) Historical Linguistics. A cognitive grammar introduction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Book URL: https://benjamins.com/catalog/z.227

  • Die geskiedenis oor die historiese taalkunde (“history of linguistics”) as studieterrein

Grebe 1997. Die historiografie van Afrikaans in heroënskou.

Elffers 1993. De taalkunde en haar geschiedschrijving.

Elffers 2012. Over de geschiedenis van de taalkunde, bl. 217-219.

Ruijsendaal 1991. Letterkonst. Het klassieke grammaticamodel en de oudste Nederlandse grammatica’s.

Von Hamel 1945. Geschiedenis der Taalwetenschap.

Aarsleff 1982. From Locke to Saussure. Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History.

Allan (ed.) 2013. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics.

Anoniem 2013. An outline of the history of linguistics.

Assunçāo e.a. (eds.) 2016. History of Linguistics 2014.

Bloomfield 1923. Language history

Bloomfield 1933. Language. (Hoofstuk 17.)

Botha & Knight 2009. The Prehistory of Language.

Bynon & Palmer (eds.) 1986. Studies in the history of Western linguistics.

Campbell, L. 2001. The history of linguistics.

Chapman & Routledge 2005. Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language.

Collinge 1995b. History of Historical Linguistics.

Coulmas 2016. Guardians of Language: Twenty Voices through History.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language.

De Bonth & Noordegraaf 1996. Towards a Historiography of Eighteenth-Century Dutch Linguistics.

De Bonth & Noordegraaf (eds.) 1996. Linguistics in the Low Countries: the Eighteenth Century.

Deutscher 2005. The unfolding of language. An evolutionary tour of mankind’s greatest invention.

Ducrot & Todorov 1981. Encyclopedic dictionary of the sciences of language.

Essegbey, e.a. (eds.) 2015. Language Documentation and Endangerment in Africa.

Evans 2009. Dying Words. Endangered languages and what they have to tell us.

Fischer 2004. A History of Language.

Gramley 2011. The History of English. An Introduction.

Haas 1969. The prehistory of language.

Harris, R.A. 1993. The linguistics wars.

Harris & Taylor 1997. Landmarks in linguistic thought. The Western Tradition from Socrates to Saussure.

Harrison 2007. When Languages Die. The Extinction of the World’s Languages and the Erosion of Human Knowledge.

Harrison 2010. The Last Speakers. The Quest to Uncover the World’s Most Endangered Languages.

Honeybone 2012. History and Historical Linguistics.

Hovdhaugen 1982. Foundations of Western Linguistics.

Hymes (ed.) 1974. Studies in the History of Linguistics. Traditions and Paradigms.

Itkonen 1991. Universal history of linguistics: India, China, Arabia, Europe.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics.

Janson 2003. Speak. A short history of linguistics.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction, 21 bl. 48-74.

Joseph, J.E. & Taylor (eds.) 1990. Ideologies of language.

Joseph, J.E. e.a. 2001. The Western tradition in the twentieth century.

Joseph, J.E. 1995a. Trends in 20th Century Linguistics: An overview.

Joseph, J.E. 1995b. Saussurean Traditions in Linguistics.

Joseph, J.E. 2002. From Whitney to Chomsky: Essays in the History of American Linguistics.

Koerner (ed.) 1980. Progress in linguistic historiography.

Koerner 1995a. History of Linguistics: The field.

Koerner 1995b. Historiography of Linguistics.

Koerner 1999. Linguistic Historiography. Projects and Prospects.

Koerner 2004. Essays in the History of Linguistics.

Koerner & Asher (eds.) 1995. Concise history of the language sciences. From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists.

Langer, Davies & Vandenbussche (eds.) 2012. Language and History, Linguistics and Historiography.

Law 1997. Grammar and Grammarians in the Early Middle Ages.

Law 2002. The History of Linguistics in Europe. From Plato to 1600

Lepschy (ed.) 1994a. History of Linguistics I: The Eastern Tradition of Linguistics.

Lepschy (ed.) 1994b. History of Linguistics II. Classical and Medieval Linguistics.

Lepschy (ed.) 1998a. History of Linguistics III. Renaissance and Early Modern Linguistics.

Lepschy (ed.) 1998b. History of Linguistics IV. Nineteenth-Century Linguistics.

Lepschy (ed.) 2002. History of Linguistics V. Twentieth-Century Linguistics.

Malmkjaer (ed.) 2010. The Linguistics Encyclopedia.

Matthews, P.H. 1997. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics.

Mesthrie 1995. Language and social history: studies in South African sociolinguistics.

Miller 2012. External Influence on English. From its Beginnings to the Renaissance.

Muller, S.H. 1964. The World’s Living Languages. Basic facts of their structure, kinship, location and number of speakers.

Noordegraaf e.a. (eds.) 1992. The History of Linguistics in the Low Countries.

Ostler 2005. Empires of the World: A Language History of the World.

Parret (ed.) 1976. History of linguistic thought and contemporary linguistics.

Pedersen 1933. Linguistic science in the Nineteenth Century.

Pedersen 1962. The discovery of language.

Pedersen 1963. A Glance at the History of Linguistics.

Renfrew 1994. World linguistic diversity.

Roberge 1990. The ideological profile of Afrikaans historical linguistics.

Robins 1997. A short history of linguistics.

Salmons 2012. A History of German. What the past reveals about today’s language.

Sampson, G. 1960. Schools of Linguistics.

Schreyer 2000. What’s wrong with the Historiography of Linguistics? bl. 205-208.

Sebeok (ed.) 1975. The historiography of Linguistics.

Sebeok (ed.) 2002. Portraits of linguists: a biographical source book for history of western linguistics, 1746 – 1963. Vol. 1: From Sir William Jones to Karl Brugmann. Vol. 2: From Eduard Sievers to Benjamin Lee Whorf.

SESA (Standard Encyclopedia of Southern Africa), Deel 1, 1970: 63-113.

Seuren 1998. Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction.

Sihler 2000. Language history: An introduction.

Taylor, D.J. 1987. The History of Linguistics in the Classical Period.

Thomas, M. 2011. Fifty Key Thinkers on Language and Linguistics.

Vendryès 1949. Language – A linguistic introduction to history.

Brekle 1985. Einführung in die Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft.

Paul 2009 [1880]. Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte.

Aussant, E. & J-M. Fortis (eds.) 2020. History of Linguistics 2017. Selected papers from the 14th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, (ICHoLS 14), Paris, 28 August – 1 September. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Book URL: https://benjamins.com/catalog/sihols.127

Berson, J. 2017. The Topology of Endangered Languages. Signs and Society, 5(1): 96-123.

Jones, M.C. (ed.) 2019. Policy and Planning for Endangered Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Book URL: https://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/languages-linguistics/sociolinguistics/policy-and-planning-endangered-languages?format=PB 

Jones, M.C. (ed.) 2019. Endangered Languages and New Technologies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://linguistlist.org/issues/30/30-3430.html

Van der Sijs, N. 2019. Waarom historische taalkunde? Geplaas 1 Febr. 2019. https://www.neerlandistiek.nl/2019/02/waarom-historische-taalkunde/ 

Van Driem, George. 2018. Linguistic history and historical linguistics, Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 41 (1): 106-127.


Wikipedia 2013i. History of linguistics.

3. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die historiese en vergelykende taalwetenskap

“Our language places us in a cultural continuum, linking us to the past, and showing our meanings also to future fellow-speakers …” (Ostler 2006: xix)

“Begin 20e eeuw constateerden taalkundigen dat de geschiedenis van woorden nauw is verbonden aan de zaken die ze benoemen. De bestudering van de oorsprong en geschiedenis van woorden, de etymologie, geeft inzicht in culturele en maatschappelijke veranderingen: taal is een spiegel van de cultuur. Als bijvoorbeeld in een bepaalde periode veel woorden zijn overgenomen uit een bepaalde taal, is dat een bewijs dat die taal op dat moment sterke invloed had op het Nederlands. Die invloed kan het gevolg zijn van de politieke situatie. Zo nam het Nederlands veel Franse woorden over in de napoleontische tijd. Het kan ook gaan om culturele invloed, denk aan de vele Italiaanse leenwoorden op het gebied van kunst en muziek (opera, torso).” (N. van der Sijs 2019 –https://www.neerlandistiek.nl/2019/02/waarom-historische-taalkunde/)

Ruijsendaal 1991. Letterkonst. Het klassieke grammaticamodel en de oudste Nederlandse grammatica’s. (Hoofstuk 1, 2.)

Starr 1974. A History of the Ancient World.

Turner 2014. Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities.[2]

3.1.1         Die Babiloniese tradisie (nie-Westers)

Van Aswegen 1982. Die Verhaal van die Mensdom. (Hoofstukke 2 en 4.)

De Blois & Van der Spek 2001. Een kennismaking met de oude wereld. (ʼn Goeie oorsigtelike bron oor die tydperk.)

Anoniem 2013. An outline of the history of linguistics, bl. 1-2.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 336.

Turner 2014. Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities.

Hovdhaugen 1982. Foundations of Western Linguistics.

Janson 2002. Speak. A short history of languages, bl. 57-68.

Koerner & Asher (eds.) 1995. Concise history of the language sciences. From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists. (hoofstukke: Gragg 1995; asook Tené oor Hebreeus en Suleiman oor Arabies)

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 427-430.

Law 2003. The History of Linguistics in Europe. From Plato to 1600, bl. 9-10.

Lepschy (ed.) 1994a. History of Linguistics I: The Eastern Tradition of Linguistics, bl. 61-96. (Hierin is ook inligting oor linguistiese ondersoek in ander nie-Westerse tradisies, soos in Hebreeus (bl. 97-163) en Arabies (bl. 164-185).)

Starr 1974. A History of the Ancient World.

Szemerénski 1999. Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 8-13.


Wikipedia 2013ee. Mesopotamië.

Vergelyk Luragi & Bubenik 2010. Historical Linguistics: History, Sources and Resources, bl. 26-35 oor ʼn verskeidenheid datakorpusse in die betrokke tale. In hierdie geval Egiptiese hiërogliewe, Akkadiese en Sumeriese spykerskrif, Arabies en Hebreeus (bl. 27-29)

  • Oor nie-Westerse tradisies (Arabies, Hebreeus, Indië, China, Japan)

Koerner & Asher (eds.) 1995. Concise history of the language sciences. From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists. (hoofstukke: Gragg 1995 oor die Babiloniese tradisie; asook Tené oor Hebreeus, Suleiman oor Arabies, Wang & Asher oor Chinees, Kaiser oor Japannees, Kiparsky 1995 oor Indies (Sanskrit)).

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 446-455.

3.1.2         Die Grieke

Van Aswegen 1982. Die Verhaal van die Mensdom. (Hoofstuk 15.)

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 1-2.

Vos 2014. Fragmente uit die IliasHomeros.

Elffers 1993. De taalkunde en haar geschiedschrijving.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 18-21.

Elffers 2012. Over de geschiedenis van de taalkunde, bl. 217-219.

Ruijsendaal 1991. Letterkonst. Het klassieke grammaticamodel en de oudste Nederlandse grammatica’s. (Hoofstuk 1.)

Anoniem 2013. An outline of the history of linguistics, bl. 2-3.

Arens 1984. Aristotle’s Theory of Language and its Tradition: Texts from 500 to 1750.

Assunçāo e.a. (eds.) 2016. History of Linguistics 2014.

Beekes 2014. Pre-Greek. Phonology, Morphology, Lexicon.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 3-4.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 428.

Householder 1981. The Syntax of Apollonius Dyscolus translated, and with commentary.

Hovdhaugen 1982. Foundations of Western Linguistics.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics.(Hoofstuk 2.)

Janson 2002. Speak. A short history of languages, bl. 69-88.

Kemp 1986. The Tekhnē grammatikē of Dionysius Thrax translated into English.

Koerner & Asher (eds.) 1995. Concise history of the language sciences. From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists. (hoofstukke: D.J. Taylor 1995a; Householder 1995a, 1995b, 1995c, 1995d)

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 428-430.

Ostler 2006. Empires of the word. A language history of the world, bl. 227-271.

Penny (ed.) 2005. Indo-European Perspectives. (Dele 2, 3 en 4.)

Pinborg 1975. Classical Antiquity: Greece, bl. 69-126.

Robins 1957. Dionysius Thrax and the Western Grammatical Tradition, 67-106.

Sonnenschein 2014. The Soul of Grammar.

Starr 1974. A History of the Ancient World.

Szemerénski 1999. Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 1-13.

Turner 2014. Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities.

Brandenburg s.j. Apollonius Dyskolos. Über das Pronomen. Einführung, Text, Übersetzung und Erlauterungen.


Wikipedia 2013i. History of linguistics, bl. 3-5.

Wikipedia 2013ff. Aristoteles.

Vergelyk Luragi & Bubenik 2010. Historical Linguistics: History, Sources and Resources, bl. 26-35 oor ‘n verskeidenheid datakorpusse in die betrokke tale. In hierdie geval Grieks (bl. 30-31).

3.1.3         Die Romeine

Van Aswegen 1982. Die Verhaal van die Mensdom. (Hoofstukke 19 en 20.)

Van der Merwe e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 3.

Bloemendal 2016. Latijn. Cultuurgeschiedenis van een wereldtaal.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 19-21.

Ruijsendaal 1991. Letterkonst. Het klassieke grammaticamodel en de oudste Nederlandse grammatica’s. (Hoofstuk 2.)

Anoniem 2013. An outline of the history of linguistics, bl. 3.

Assunçāo e.a. (eds.) 2016. History of Linguistics 2014.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 3-4.

Claiborne 1977. Who were the Indo-Europeans?, bl. 261-282.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 429.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics. (Hoofstuk 4.)

Janson 2002. Speak. A short history of languages, bl. 99-107.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Koerner & Asher (eds.) 1995. Concise history of the language sciences. From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists. (hoofstukke: D.J. Taylor 1995a, 1995b, 1995c; Hovdhaugen 1995)

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 430-433.

Lindberg, D. 2007. The Beginnings of Western Science.

Sonnenschein 2014. The Soul of Grammar.

Starr 1974. A History of the Ancient World.

Taylor, D.J. 1987. The History of Linguistics in the Classical Period.

Taylor, D.J. 1995b. Varro and Early Latin Language Science, bl. 103-107.

Turner 2014. Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities.

Wilson, P. 2016. The Holy Roman Empire: A Thousand Years of Europe’s History. Londen: Penguin.


Wikipedia 2013i. History of linguistics, bl. 5.

  • Vergelyk Luragi & Bubenik 2010. Historical Linguistics: History, Sources and Resources, bl. 26-35 oor ‘n verskeidenheid datakorpusse in die betrokke tale. In hierdie geval Latynse korpusse (bl. 31-32).
  • Die Indiërs

Van Aswegen 1982. Die Verhaal van die Mensdom. (Hoofstuk 33.)

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 1-2.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 18-21.

Anoniem 2013. An outline of the history of linguistics, bl. 2-3.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 3-4.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 429.

Itkonen 1991. Universal history of linguistics: India, China, Arabia, Europe.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics. (Hoofstuk 3.)

Janson 2002. Speak. A short history of languages.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Koerner & Asher (eds.) 1995. Concise history of the language sciences. From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists. (hoofstukke: Kiparsky 1995, Staal 1995, asook Deshpande en Zvelebil.)

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 448-450.

Momma 2015. From Philology to English Studies. (Hoofstuk 2.)

Starr 1974. A History of the Ancient World.

Szemerénski 1999. Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 1-13.


Wikipedia 2013i. History of linguistics, bl. 3-5.

Wikipedia 2013l. Sanskriet.

Wikipedia 2013gg. Pānini.

Wikipedia 2013hh. Sutra.

  • Vergelyk Luragi & Bubenik 2010. Historical Linguistics: History, Sources and Resources, bl. 26-35 oor ‘n verskeidenheid datakorpusse in die betrokke tale. In hierdie geval Sanskrit (bl. 29-30).

3.2            Die Middeleeue (1 000 – 1 550 n.C.)

Van Aswegen 1982. Die Verhaal van die Mensdom. (Hoofstuk 36 en 37.)

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 1-2.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 21-22.

Ruijsendaal 1991. Letterkonst. Het klassieke grammaticamodel en de oudste Nederlandse grammatica’s. (Hoofstuk III.)

Anoniem 2013. An outline of the history of linguistics, bl. 3-4.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 4-5.

Bursill-Hall 1995. Linguistics in the Later Middle Ages, bl. 130-134.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 430.

Hunt 1980. Collected Papers on the History of Grammar in the Middle Ages.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics. (Hoofstuk 5.)

Jankowsky (ed.) 1995. History of Linguistics 1993.

Janson 2002. Speak. A short history of languages.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Lamb & Mitchell (eds.) 1991. Sprung from some common source.

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 433-443.

Lepschy (ed.) 1994a. History of Linguistics I: The Eastern Tradition of Linguistics, bl. 61-96. (Hierin is ook inligting oor linguistiese ondersoek in nie-Westerse tradisies, soos in Hebreeus (bl. 97-163) en Arabies (bl. 164-185).)

Luhtala 1995. Early Medieval Grammar, bl. 121-129.

Matthew 1983. Atlas of Medieval Europa. (Vgl. bl. 87-103 oor ‘Christendom on the move”.)

Metzger 1993. Important early translations of the Bible, bl. 35-49.

Penny (ed.) 2005. Indo-European Perspectives.

Vineis & Maierù 1994. Medieval Linguistics, bl. 134-346.

Wright (ed.) 1995. Latin and the Romance Languages in the Early Middle Ages.

Metzger, B.M. 1993. Important early translations of the Bible. Bibliotheca Sacra, 150: 35-49.


Wikipedia 2013ii. Middeleeuwen.

Wikipedia 2013jj. Middeleeuwse literatuur.

  • Vergelyk Luragi & Bubenik 2010. Historical Linguistics: History, Sources and Resources, bl. 26-35 oor ‘n verskeidenheid datakorpusse in die betrokke tale. In hierdie geval Latyn, Hebreeus en Arabies.

3.3            Die Renaissance (ruweg 13de – 19de eeu)

Van Aswegen 1982. Die Verhaal van die Mensdom. (Hoofstuk 42.)

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 4-7.

Dibbets 1994. Een nieuw spoor van de Port-Royalgrammatica in Nederland.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 22-25.

Ruijsendaal 1991. Letterkonst. Het klassieke grammaticamodel en de oudste Nederlandse grammatica’s. (Hoofstuk IV.)

Anoniem 2013. An outline of the history of linguistics, bl. 3-4.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 5-6.

Clackson 1994. The linguistic relationship between Armenian and Greek.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 430.

Dekker, C. 1999. The Origin of Old Germanic Studies in the Low Countries. (Hoofstuk 5.)

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics. (Hoofstukke 5 en 6.)

Jankowsky (ed.) 1995. History of Linguistics 1993.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Jespersen 1922. Language. Its nature and development, bl. 21-26.

Koerner & Asher (eds.) 1995. Concise history of the language sciences. From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists. (ook die hoofstukke deur Richardson, Zamora en Kibbee).

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 443-445.

Padley 1976. Grammatical theory in Western Europe, 1500-1700, bl. 219-259.


Wikipedia 2013kk. Renaissance

  • Oor Lambert Ten Kate

Daan 1994. Lambert ten Kate gevierd, bewonderd en vergeten, bl. 54-59.

De Vooys 1952. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse taal, bl.140-141

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 24-25.

Noordegraaf 2005a. Amsterdamse kringen. Taalkunde en theologie rond 1700, bl. 17-34.

Noordegraaf 2005b. De geboorte en aenwasch der sprake. Lambert ten Kate over de redelijke mens, bl. 35-49.

Ten Cate 1987. Lambert ten Kate Hermansz (1674-1731): taalgeleerde en konts-minnaar.

Tollius 1812. Over Lambert ten Kate Hermansz, den voortreffelijken hoofd-grondlegger der Nederduitsche letterkunst, bl. 395-402.

Van der Bilt, I. 2009. Verwer, Ten Kate en het Wargaren van ’t Grammaticael.

Van der Wal 2009. Lambert ten Kate presenteert zijn taalwetenschappelijke aanpak.

Van Leuvensteijn 2009. Lambert ten Kates opbouwmissie: de Gemééne-lands-spraake.

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 442.

Noordegraaf 2004. A matter of time. Dutch philosophy of language in the eighteenth century, bl. 211-225.

Noordegraaf 2009. Lambert ten Kate and the logos. Religion and linguistics in the eighteenth century, bl. 62-74.


Wikipedia 2013ll. Lambert Ten Kate.

3.4            Oorgang van die 18de na die 19de eeu: die ontwikkel van ʼn historiese perspektief

3.4.1         Herontdekking van Sanskrit

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 8-9.

Elffers 1993. De taalkunde en haar geschiedschrijving.

Elffers 2012. Over de geschiedenis van de taalkunde, bl. 217-219.

Schrijnen 1905. Inleiding tot de studie der vergelijkende indogermaansche taalwetenschap.

Schrijnen1917. Handleiding bij de studie der Vergelijkende Indogermaansche Taalwetenschap, vooral met betrekking tot de Klassieke en Germaansche Talen.

Anderson, J.M. 2010. Historical linguistics, bl. 190-192.

Anoniem 2013. An outline of the history of linguistics, bl. 3-4.

Assunçāo e.a. (eds.) 2016. History of Linguistics 2014.

Benfey 1866 [1998]. Sanskrit-English Dictionary.

Bopp 2010 [1880]. A Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Slavonic Languages.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 6-8.

Burrow 1973. The Sanskrit language.

Claiborne 1977. Who were the Indo-Europeans?, bl. 261-282.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 306.

Dinneen 1995. General linguistics, bl. 210-213.

Finegan & Besnier 1989. Language: Its structure and use, bl. 279-280.

Greenberg 1991. Some problems of Indo-European in historical perspective, bl. 125-140.

Ivic 1965. Trends in linguistics. (Hoofstukke 3, 6 en 7.)

Jankowsky (ed.) 1995. History of Linguistics 1993.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Jespersen 1922. Language. Its nature and development. (Hoofstukke I en II.)

Koerner & Asher (eds.) 1995. Concise history of the language sciences. From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists. (die hoofstukke deur Jankowsky, MacMahon, Salmon).

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 443-445.

Law 2003. The History of Linguistics in Europe. From Plato to 1600, bl. 210-257.

Lehmann 1967. A Reader in Nineteenth Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 7-20.

Lehmann 1993. Theoretical Basis of Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 289-297.

Monier-Williams 2001. English-Sanskrit Dictionary.

Ostler 2006. Empires of the word. A language history of the world, bl. 174-226.

Padley 1976. Grammatical theory in Western Europe, 1500-1700, bl. 219-259.

Rocher 1995. Discovery of Sanskrit by Europeans, bl. 188-191.

Schleicher 2010 [1874, 1877]. A Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-European Sanskrit, Greek and Latin Languages.

Schultink 1992. The Historiography of Dutch Linguistics. A Diachronic Introduction, bl. 1-16.

Seuren 1998. Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction.

Szemerénski 1999. Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 1-13.

Tamilcube 2013. English to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to English dictionary online.

Wilkins 2011. Grammar of the Sanskrit Language.

Wotton 1730. A discourse concerning the confusion of languages at Babel.

Bopp 2012 [1845]. Kritische Grammatik der Sanskrita-Sprache in kürzerer Fassung.

Von Schlegel 2014. Űber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier.

Westphal 2013 [1873]. Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprache.


Wikipedia 2013l. Sanskriet.

Wikipedia 2013n. Indo-European studies.

Wikipedia 2013gg. Pānini.

  • Sir William Jones

Cannon 1991. Jones’s “Sprung from common source”: 1786-1986.

Lamb & Mitchell (eds.) 1991. Sprung from some common source.

Lehmann 1967. A Reader in Nineteenth Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 7-20.

Lehmann 1991. The process of linguistics, bl. 8-21.


Wikipedia 2013v. Sir William Jones.

3.4.2  Wilhelm von Humboldt: vader van die algemene taalwetenskap

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 10-11.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 27-28.

Anderson, J.M. 2010. Historical linguistics, bl. 190-192.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 7-8.

Collinge 1995a. The Main Strands of 19th Century Linguistics, bl. 195-200.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 15.

Greenberg 1991. Some problems of Indo-European in historical perspective, bl. 125-140.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Law 1990. Language and its students: the history of linguistics, bl. 444-445.

Lehmann 1967. A Reader in Nineteenth Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 61-66.

Schultink 1992. The Historiography of Dutch Linguistics. A Diachronic Introduction, bl. 1-16.

Sebeok (ed.) 2002a. Portraits of linguists: a biographical source book for history of western linguistics, 1746 – 1963. Vol. 1: From Sir William Jones to Karl Brugmann.

Underhill 2013. Humboldt, Worldview and Language.

Ringmacher & McElvenny (eds.) 2016. Georg von der Gabelentz (1891) – Die Sprachwissenschaft.
Ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und bisherigen Ergebnisse
. (Oor die Humboldtiaanse tradisie in die studie van die taalkunde.)


Wikipedia 2013nn. Wilhelm von Humboldt.

3.4.3         Rasmus Rask: voorloper

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 10-11.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 26-27.

Anderson, J.M. 2010. Historical linguistics, bl. 190-192.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 6-7.

Collinge 1995a. The Main Strands of 19th Century Linguistics, bl. 195-200.

Collinge 1995b. History of Historical Linguistics, bl. 203-212.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 306.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics. (Hoofstuk 7.)

Greenberg 1991. Some problems of Indo-European in historical perspective, bl. 127-129.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Lehmann 1967. A Reader in Nineteenth Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 29-37.

Lehmann 1993. Theoretical Basis of Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 289-297.

Schultink 1992. The Historiography of Dutch Linguistics. A Diachronic Introduction, bl. 1-16.

Sebeok (ed.) 2002a. Portraits of linguists: a biographical source book for history of western linguistics, 1746 – 1963. Vol. 1: From Sir William Jones to Karl Brugmann.

Seuren 1998. Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction.


Wikipedia 2013t. Rasmus Christian Rask.

3.4.4         Oordeel oor die oorgang na die 19de eeu

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 10-12.

Claiborne 1977. Who were the Indo-Europeans?, bl. 261-282.

D’Alonzo, J. 2017. Ludwig Noiré and the Debate on Language Origins in the 19th Century. Historiographica Linguistica, 44(1): 47-71.


Wikipedia 2013n. Indo-European studies.

3.5            Die 19de eeu             Franz Bopp: vader van die vergelykende taalkunde

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 10-11.

Elffers 1993. De taalkunde en haar geschiedschrijving.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 26-27.

Anderson, J.M. 2010. Historical linguistics, bl. 190-192.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 6-7.

Campbell & Mixco 2007. A Glossary of Historical Linguistics.

Collinge 1995a. The Main Strands of 19th Century Linguistics, bl. 195-200.

Collinge 1995b. History of Historical Linguistics, bl. 203-212.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 306.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics. (Hoofstukke 9 en 10.)

Greenberg 1991. Some problems of Indo-European in historical perspective, bl. 127-129.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Jespersen 1922. Language. Its nature and development. (Hoofstukke III en IV.)

Lehmann 1967. A Reader in Nineteenth Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 38-45.

Lehmann 1993. Theoretical Basis of Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 289-297.

Schultink 1992. The Historiography of Dutch Linguistics. A Diachronic Introduction, bl. 1-16.

Seuren 1998. Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction.

Westphal 2013 [1873]. Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprache.


Wikipedia 2013u. Franz Bopp.      Jacob Grimm: Die Wet van Grimm

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 10-11.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 26-27.

Anderson, J.M. 2010. Historical linguistics, bl. 190-192.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 6-7.

Campbell & Mixco 2007. A Glossary of Historical Linguistics.

Collinge 1995a. The Main Strands of 19th Century Linguistics, bl. 195-200.

Collinge 1995b. History of Historical Linguistics, bl. 203-212.

Coulmas 2016. Guardians of Language: Twenty Voices through History.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 306, 338-339.

Dinneen 1995. General linguistics, bl. 218-221.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics. (Hoofstuk 7.)

Greenberg 1991. Some problems of Indo-European in historical perspective, bl. 126-129.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Lehmann 1993. Theoretical Basis of Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 289-297.

Schultink 1992. The Historiography of Dutch Linguistics. A Diachronic Introduction, bl. 1-16.

Seuren 1998. Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction.

Szemerénski 1999. Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 1-13.

Westphal 2013 [1873]. Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprache.


Wikipedia 2013r. Jacob Grimm.

3.6            Verloop van histories-vergelykende taalstudie in die 19de eeu

3.6.1         Eerste periode (1830-1860)

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 16-17.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 26-27.

Van Anrooij e.a. 2004. Het Bio- en bibliografisch lexicon van de neerlandistiek.

Campbell & Mixco 2007. A Glossary of Historical Linguistics.

Collinge 1995a. The Main Strands of 19th Century Linguistics, bl. 195-200.

Collinge 1995b. History of Historical Linguistics, bl. 203-212.

Jankowsky (ed.) 1995. History of Linguistics 1993.

Jespersen 1922. Language. Its nature and development. (Hoofstuk IV.)

Lehmann 1967. A Reader in Nineteenth Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 46-60.

Seuren 1998. Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction.

Westphal 2013 [1873]. Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprache.


Wikipedia 2013 oor Pott, Rapp en Bredsdorff

  • Tweede periode (1861-1870)

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 10-11.

Elffers 1993. De taalkunde en haar geschiedschrijving.

Verburg 1952. Taal en functionaliteit.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 26-27.

Elffers 2012. Over de geschiedenis van de taalkunde, bl. 217-219.

Anderson, J.M. 2010. Historical linguistics, bl. 192-194.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 6-7.

Campbell & Mixco 2007. A Glossary of Historical Linguistics.

Claiborne 1977. Who were the Indo-Europeans?, bl. 261-282.

Collinge 1995a. The Main Strands of 19th Century Linguistics, bl. 195-200.

Collinge 1995b. History of Historical Linguistics, bl. 203-212.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 238, 302, 306.

Greenberg 1991. Some problems of Indo-European in historical perspective, bl. 127-129.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Jespersen 1922. Language. Its nature and development. (Hoofstuk IV.)

Lehmann 1967. A Reader in Nineteenth Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics. (Hoofstukke oor Von Raumer, Schleicher en Whitney.)

Lehmann 1993. Theoretical Basis of Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 289-297.

Penny (ed.) 2005. Indo-European Perspectives. (Deel 6.)

Schultink 1992. The Historiography of Dutch Linguistics. A Diachronic Introduction, bl. 1-16.

Seuren 1998. Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction.

Van den Bosch 2002. Friedrich Max Müller. A life devoted to the humanities.

Verburg 1998. Language and its functions: A Historico-Critical Study of Views Concerning the Functions of Language from the Pre-Humanistic-Philology of Orleans to the Rationalistic Philology of Bopp.

Klein, J.; B. Joseph, M. Fritz & M. Wenthe 2017. Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics. Berlyn: De Gruyter Mouton.

Westphal 2013 [1873]. Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprache.


Wikipedia 2013s. August Schleicher. (Ook oor Curtius, Von Raumer, Müller en Whitney.)

  • Derde periode (1870-1900)     Hermann Paul: die rol van analogie    Karl Brugmann en Berthold Delbrück: vergelykende taalkunde    Henry Sweet: stigter van die moderne fonetiek    Leskien, Osthoff, Schuchardt    Ferdinand de Saussure: ordeskepper

Aarsleff 1982. From Locke to Saussure. Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History.

Allan 2010. The Western Classical Tradition in Linguistics.

Auroux e.a. 2000-2006. History of the Language Sciences. 3 Vols.

Campbell & Mixco 2007. A Glossary of Historical Linguistics.

Claiborne 1977. Who were the Indo-Europeans?, bl. 261-282.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 431.

Dinneen 1995. General linguistics, bl. 235-248.

Hale 2003. Neogrammarian Sound Change, bl. 343-368.

Harris, R.A. 1987. Reading Saussure.

Hock 2003. Analogical change, bl. 441-460.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics. (Hoofstukke 10 en 11.)

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Komatsu & Wolf (eds.) 1997. Saussure’s Second Course on General Linguistics (1908-1909). From the Notebooks of Albert Riedlinger and Charles Patois.

Lehmann 1993. Theoretical Basis of Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 1-22, 290-297.

Penny (ed.) 2005. Indo-European Perspectives. (Deel 6.)

Polomé 1995. The development of Indo-European studies since the Neogrammarians.

Ritchie 2013. It’s time to challenge the notion that there is only one way to speak English.

Sanders & Pires 2006. General linguistics: De Saussure.

Sebeok (ed.) 2002b. Portraits of linguists: a biographical source book for history of western linguistics, 1746 – 1963. Vol. 2: From Eduard Sievers to Benjamin Lee Whorf.

Szemerénski 1999. Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics, bl. 1-13.

Seuren, P.A.M. 2018. Saussure and Sechehaye: Myth and Genius. A Study in the History of Linguistics and the Foundations of Language. Leiden: Brill. Book announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3261.html

Heringer 2013. Linguistik nach Saussure.

Noordegraaf, J. 2017. De Cours besproken: 100 jaar later. Geplaas 17 Junie 2017. http://www.neerlandistiek.nl/2017/06/de-cours-besproken-100-jaar-later/


Wikipedia 2013w. Ferdinand de Saussure.

Wikipedia 2014 (147). Course in General Linguistics

En ook talle ander webblaaie op die internet:     Die impak van die 19de eeu

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 20-26.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 35 e.v.

Elffers 2012. Over de geschiedenis van de taalkunde, bl. 217-219.

Elffers 1993. De taalkunde en haar geschiedschrijving.

Aarsleff 1982. From Locke to Saussure. Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History.

Allan 2010. The Western Classical Tradition in Linguistics.

Anoniem 2013. A outline of the history of linguistics, bl. 6-8.

Auroux e.a. 2000-2006. History of the Language Sciences. 3 vols.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics, bl. 8 e.v.

Collinge 1995a. The Main Strands of 19th Century Linguistics, bl. 195-200.

Collinge 1995b. History of Historical Linguistics, bl. 203-212.

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 431.

Ivic 1965. Trends in Linguistics. (Hoofstukke 10-14.)

Jankowsky 1972. The Neogrammarians: A Re-evaluation of their Place in the Development of Linguistic Science.

Janson 2012. The History of Languages. An introduction.

Jespersen 1922. Language. Its nature and development. (Hoofstuk IV.)

Lehmann 1967. A Reader in Nineteenth Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics. (Hoofstukke oor Bruggmann en De Saussure.)

Luraghi & Bubenik 2010. Historical Linguistics: History, Sources and Resources, bl. 1-8.

Penny (ed.) 2005. Indo-European Perspectives. (Deel 6.)

Schultink 1992. The Historiography of Dutch Linguistics. A Diachronic Introduction, bl. 1-16.

Sebeok (ed.) 2002a. Portraits of linguists: a biographical source book for history of western linguistics, 1746 – 1963. Vol. 1: From Sir William Jones to Karl Brugmann.

Seuren 1998. Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction.


Wikipedia 2013oo. Hugo Schuchardt

  • Die term Junggrammatiker (Neogrammatici)

Dinneen 1995. General linguistics, bl. 221-223.

Jankowsky 1972. The Neogrammarians: A Re-evaluation of their Place in the Development of Linguistic Science.

Luraghi & Bubenik 2010. Historical Linguistics: History, Sources and Resources, bl. 5-8.

Polomé 1995. The development of Indo-European studies since the Neogrammarians.


Wikipedia 2013pp. Junggrammatiker.

3.7            Die 20ste eeu

Tabel met ʼn oorsig van die ontwikkeling van die taalkunde in die 20ste eeu – taalkundige rigtings asook die uitlig van die toepaslike hoofverteenwoordigers

Benaderings tot die taalkunde  Komponente van die taalkunde Belangrike verteenwoordigers
Fonetiek Int.: P Ladefoged, T Maddieson, P Boersma, T Venneman, P Kiparsky, VJ van Heuven

Afr.: M de Villiers, DP Wissing, AE Coetzee

SA: JC Roux, EB van Wyk, I Bekker, AJ van Rooy

Fonologie Int.: M Halle, A Jenkins, Prince, P Smolensky, GN Clements, KP Monahan, P Ladefoged, R Kager, B Hayes, E Selkirk, VJ van Heuven, W Zonneveld

Afr.: M de Villiers, DP Wissing, AJ van Rooy, JGH Combrink, AW Coetzee

SA: JC Roux, AJ van Rooy, EB van Wyk

Morfologie Int.: G Booij, L Bauer, R Lieber, JL Bybee, M Haspelmath, M Aranoff, B Aarts, W Croft, H.Schultink, C Hamans

Afr.: JGH Combrink, W Kempen, MJ Posthumus, RP Botha, GB van Huyssteen

SA: L Posthumus, A van der Spuy

Pragmatiek Int.: D Hymes, J Searle, J. Austin, SC Levinson, G Cook, J Thomas, J Mey, L Horn, D Sperber, D Wilson, R Carston, D Blakemore

Afr.: GJ van Jaarsveld, A van Niekerk

SA: C Anthonissen

Semantiek Int.: J Lyons, A Cruse, A Reichling , A Wierzbicka, C Goddard, G Lakoff, D Geeraerts, Sperber & Wilson, P Grice, G Leech, JJ Katz, D Dowty, I Heim, B Partee, H de Swart

Afr.: M de Villiers, LG de Stadler, WJ de Klerk, GJ van Jaarsveld, A Carstens, CJ Conradie, WJ Botha

Sintaksis Int.: R Quirk, GN Leech, RW Huddleston, G Pullum, D Biber, N Chomsky, P Culicover, J van der Auwera, PC Paardekooper, H Broekhuis, W Abraham

Afr.: W Kempen, FA Ponelis, AE Feinauer, JGH Combrink, H du Plessis, B Bosch

SA: C Kruger, H Waher, K Huddlestone, J Oosthuizen, M de Vos, J Zeller, R Simango, T Biberauer

Sosiolinguistiek Int.: W Labov, P Trudgill, JK Chambers, M Meyerhoff, Bernstein, Gumperz, L Milroy D Hymes, Brown & Yule, E Goffman, E Schegloff, H Sacks, M Atkinson, M Coulthard, J Sinclair, J Fishman, G Cook

Afr.: VN Webb, MCJ van Rensburg, H du Plessis, AE Coetzee, B Bosch, FS Hendricks

SA: R Mesthrie, AJ van Rooy, V de Klerk, E Hurst, A Deumert

Taalsosiologie Int.: –

Afr.: KP Prinsloo, VN Webb

SA: S Coetzee-Van Rooy, A Deumert, C Dyers, C Antonissen

Sinchroniese benaderings tot die taalkunde
Antropologiese Taalkunde / Etnolinguistiek Int.: E Sapir, B Whorf, G Palmer, K Harrison, B Norton

Afr.: EF Kotzé

SA: S Coetzee van Rooy

Funksionele taalkunde Int.: SC Dik, T Givon

Afr.: FA Ponelis

SA: FA Ponelis

Generatiewe taalkunde Int.: N Chomsky, J Ross, P Postal, R Jackendorff, A Radford, L Haegeman, H Lasnik, I Roberts

Afr.: MCJ van Rensburg, VN Webb

SA: RP Botha, J Oosthuizen, J van Niekerk T Biberauer, M de Vos, H Waher

Grammatikalisering Int.: JL Bybee, B Heine, C Lehman, T Kuteva., EC Traugott

Afr: CA Breed, CJ Conradie, R. Hendriks

Kasusgrammatika Int.: C Fillmore,

Afr.: LG de Stadler

Kognitiewe linguistiek Int.: RW Langacker, G Lakoff, R Dirven, G Radden, M Johnson, G Fauconnier, JR Taylor, B Comrie, L Talmy, T Givón, W Croft, A Goldberg

Afr.: WJ Botha, GB van Huyssteen, PH Swanepoel

Montague-grammatika Int.: R Montague

Afr.: RS Kirsner

Praagse Skool Int.: V Mathesius, N Trubetskoy, R Jakobson

Afr.: –

SA: –

Sistemies-Funksionele Taalkunde Int.: MAK Halliday, R Hasan, C Matthiessen, J Webster, J Martin, P White

Afr.: DM Wybenga, M Esterhuizen

SA: EH Hubbard, R Adendorff

  Strukturele taalkunde Int.: F de Saussure, F Boas, E Sapir, L Bloomfield, Z Harris

Afr.: HJJM van der Merwe, FA Ponelis

SA: W Lanham

Taalbeplanning Int.: U Weinrich, H Kloss, B Spolsky, E Haugen, R Cooper, J Fishman, RB Baldauf, J Cobarrubias, NM Kamwangamalu, S Makoni, R Phillipson, R Dirven, N Fairclough

Afr.: KP Prinsloo, HGW du Plessis, MM Verhoef

SA: VN Webb, N Alexander, LT du Plessis, A de V Cluver, K Heugh, Z Desai, TG Reagan, M. Madiba

Taalpolitiek Int.: N Fairclough, J Taylor, T Skutnabb Kangas, R Philipson

Afr.: VN Webb, LT du Plessis, MM Verhoef, KP Prinsloo, JC Steyn, EF Kotzé

SA: VN Webb, N Alexander, LT du Plessis

Toegepaste taalkunde
Akademiese Geletterdheid Int.: T Lillis, R Ivanic, JP Gee, B Street, D Barton, M Hamilton, LL Blanton, M Canale, M Swain, J Cummins, N Fairclough, JP Gee, MAK Halliday, K Hyland, N Hornberger, G Kress, P Skehan, M Lea, M Paxton, J Parkinson, B Kumaravadivelu

Afr: TJ van Dyk, AJ Weideman

SA: AJ Weideman, JL van der Walt, TJ van Dyk, A Carstens, HG Butler, I Fouché, SC van Schalkwyk, C Boughey, M Scott

Dialektologie Int.: P Trudgill, W Wolfram, E Schneider, C Mair

Afr.: GG Kloeke, SA Louw, MCJ van Rensburg

SA: R Mesthrie, I Bekker, EF Kotzé

Die onderrig van lees Int.: –

Afr.: LE Combrink, M le Cordeur

SA: EJ Pretorius, S Murray

Die onderrig van skryf Int.: –

Afr.: –

SA: JL van der Walt, B Spencer

Diskoersanalise Int.: TA van Dijk, RA de Beaugrande ,D Tannen, N Fairclough, G Brown & G Yule, M McCarthey, G Kress, D Crystal, R Wodak

Afr.: DM Wybenga, B Bosch, A van Niekerk

SA: EH Hubbard, S Hunt, R Adendorff, C Anthonissen, R Kachula

Forensiese linguistiek Int.: –

Afr.: EF Kotzé

SA: EF Kotzé

Korpuslinguistiek Int.: T McEnery, A Wilson, R Quirk. D Bibber, J Sinclair, G Leech, S Greenbaum

Afr.: –

SA: DJ Prinsloo, EH Hubbard, AJ van Rooy, S Hunt

Leksikografie Int.: L Scerba, L Zgusta, HE Wiegand

Afr.: RH Gouws, LC Eksteen, FF Odendal, PH Swanepoel, EF Kotzé, WF Botha, A Carstens

SA: JP Louw, D Prinsloo, RH Gouws

Leksikologie Int.: –

Afr.: LC Eksteen, RH Gouws

SA: –

Normatiewe taalkunde/ taalgebruikskunde Int.: J Renkema, R Bartsch, Milroy & Milroy

Afr.: M de Villiers, FF Odendal, WAM Carstens

SA: VN Webb

Ondertiteling Int.: J Dries, J Ivarsson, M Carroll, C Dollerup, H Gottlieb

Afr.: –

SA: JL Kruger, E Hefer

Psigolinguistiek Int.: M Tomasello, T Harley, S Pinker, J Aitchison, T Scovel

SA: J Vorster, F Southwood, H Tappe, C Frenn

Rekenaarlinguistiek (met o.a. Taaltegnologie as produk) Int.: D Jurafsky, JH Martin, W Daelemans, S Bird, RM Kaplan, Y Wilks, K Koskenniemi, H Somers, CD Manning, H Schütze, W Daelemans

Afr.: GB van Huyssteen

SA: F de Wet, E Barnard, M Davel, C van Heerden, S Bosch, J Roux, L Pretorius, M Puttkammer

SA Gebaretaalontwikkeling Int.: –

Afr.: H. Fourie Blair

SA: PAO Akach, T Reagan, D Aarons

Stilistiek Int.: HG Widdowson, M Short, G Leech, M Mahlberg

Afr.: H vd M Scholtz, DM Wybenga

SA: EH Hubbard

  Taalonderrig (insluitend vreemde- en tweedetaal­onderrig) Int.: K Hyland, I Leki, HG Widdowson, M Canale & M Swain, K Johnson, D Larsen-Freeman HH Stern, P Skehan, M Bygate, P Skehan  & M Swain, D Larsen-Freeman

Afr.: H Kroes, N Roets

SA: C van der Walt, EJ Pretorius, R Cromarty-Wildsmith, AJ Weideman, K Heugh, JL van der Walt, E Henning, E Evans, S Conradie

  Taaltoetsing Int.: A Davies, T McNamara, LF Bachman, AS Palmer, C Chapelle, D Douglas, C Weir, JC Alderson, C Clapham & D Wall, M Canale, A Kunan, JB Carrol, F Davidson, D Hymes, S Messick, RJ Sternberg, HG Widdowson, C Elder, K van de Poel

Afr.: TJ van Dyk

SA: AJ Weideman, TJ van Dyk, N Yeld, JL van der Walt

Teks-/Dokumentontwerp Int.: C Jansen

Afr.: PH Swanepoel, A Carstens, EO Saal, LG de Stadler

SA: PH Swanepoel, LG de Stadler

Tekslinguistiek Int.: RA de Beaugrande, RU Dressler

Afr.: DM Wybenga, WAM Carstens, B Bosch

SA: EH Hubbard, EJ Pretorius

Teksredaksie Int.: J Renkema

Afr.: WAM Carstens & K van de Poel

SA: K van de Poel, WAM Carstens & J Linnegar; H Kruger

Tolking Int: K de Bot, D Gerver, F Goldman-Eisler, S Kalina, H Kirchoff, B Moser-Mercer, F Pöchhacker, BC Seal, R Setton, J Xu

Afr: M Pienaar, MM Verhoef, T du Plessis, JWH Blaauw, M le Roux

SA: M Erasmus, K Wallmach, A Kruger

Vertaalkunde Int.: K Reiss, E Nida, H Vermeer, S Bassnett, A Lefevere, M Baker, J House, A Pym, D Robinson, L Venuti, P Newmark, M Baker

Afr.: JH Pickard, M Pienaar, A Beukes, K Marais, E Cornelius, AE Feinauer

SA: J Naude, J Inggs, A Kruger, K Wallmach, AE Feinauer, K Marais

Diachroniese benaderings tot taalstudie
Geskiedenis van die taalkunde Int.: EF Koerner, T Seboek, NE Collinge, D Crystal, JE Joseph, G Lepschy, J Noordegraaf, M Ruhlen, FJ Newmeyer, B Croft

Afr.: HJJM van der Merwe

Historiese taalkunde Int.: L Bloomfield, E Sapir, JH Greenberg, WP Lehmann, K Allan, L Campbell, RL Trask, NE Collinge, BD Joseph, R Lass, S Romaine, J Faarlund, P van Reenen, O Fischer, C van Bree

Afr.: JL Franken, HJJM van der Merwe, J du P Scholtz, RH Pheiffer, EH Raidt, J Lubbe, FA Ponelis, MCJ van Rensburg, GJ de Klerk, CJ Conradie, EF Kotzé, PTR Roberge, H den Besten, A Davids

SA: A Deumert, R Lass

Spesifieke taalgestremdheid Int.: R van Hout

Afr./SA: F Southwood, O van Dulm

Taalgeskiedenis (van ʼn besondere taal) Int.: B Comrie, M Ruhlen, D Crystal, MJ van der Wal, C van Bree, A van Loey, MC van den Toorn, J van der Horst, R Willemyns

Afr.: GS Nienaber, PJ Nienaber, HJJM van der Merwe, J du P Scholtz, MF Valkhoff, EH Raidt, CJ Conradie, MCJ van Rensburg, FA Ponelis, JC Steyn, EF Kotzé, LT du Plessis, WAM Carstens

SA: G Butler, V de Klerk, R Mesthrie

LET WEL: Voorstelle om die lys aan te pas of te verfyn, is uiters welkom. Stuur korrespondensie na: wannie.carstens@nwu.ac.za

  • Oorsigbronne oor die taalkunde as dissipline

Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M. e.a. 1971. Die opkoms en ontwikkeling van die taalwetenskap, bl. 26-37.

Boogaardt & Jansen (reds.) 2012. De taalcanon. Alles wat je altijd al had willen weten over taal.

De Groot 1968. Inleiding tot de Algemene Taalwetenschap; tevens, inleiding tot de grammatica van het hedendaagse Nederlands, bl. 380 e.v.

Fromkin, Rodman & Neijt 1986. Universele Taalkunde – Een Inleiding in de Algemene Taalwetenschap.

Koenen 2014. Het vermogen om te verlangen (9 letters). Gesprekken over taal en het menselijk brein. (51 gesprekke met taalkundiges oor taal en die ontwikkeling van taal.)

Muysken 1999. Talen. De toren van Babel.

Von Hamel 1945. Geschiedenis der Taalwetenschap.

Van Oostendorp 2013d. De wereldkaarten van Martin Haspelmath, bl. 94-95.

Akmajian e.a. 2010. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication.

Allan (ed.) 2013. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics. (Deel VI)

Anderson, J.M. 2010. Historical linguistics.

Anoniem 2013. An outline of the history of linguistics.

Aranoff & Rees-Miller (eds.) 2001. The Handbook of Linguistics.

Blake, B.J. 2008. All about language.

Bloomfield 1933 [1961]. Language.

Braber, N. & L. Morrish (eds.) 2015. Exploring Language and Linguistics.

Broeckx & Grohmann 2013. The Cambridge Handbook of Biolinguistics.

Brown & Anderson (eds.) 2006. Encyclopedia of languages and linguistics. Vol. 1-14.

Brown & Ogilvie 2009. Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World.

Britannica 2013. History of linguistics.

Burridge & Stebbins 2016. For the Love of Languages. An Introduction to Linguistics.

Campbell, L. 2001. The history of linguistics.

Chapman & Routledge 2005. Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language.

Chomsky 1965. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.

Chomsky 1980. Rules and representation.

Collinge (ed.) 1990. An Encyclopaedia of Language.

Croft 2014. Language structure in its human context: New direction for the languages sciences in the twenty-first century, 1-11.

Crystal 1969. What is linguistics?

Crystal 2010. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, bl. 432-433.

De Knop & Gilquin (eds.) 2016. Applied Construction Grammar.

Deutscher 2005. The unfolding of language. An evolutionary tour of mankind’s greatest invention.

Dixon 2009-2012. Basic Linguistic Theory. 3 Vols.

Ducrot & Todorov 1981. Encyclopedic dictionary of the sciences of language.

Duranti (ed.) 2004. Companion to Linguistic Anthropology.

Fischer 2004. A History of Language.

Genetti 2014. How Languages Work.

Goossens, L. 2010. Historical linguistics.

Gordon, M.J. 2012. Labov.

Gordon, W.T. 1996. Saussure for beginners, bl. 83-124.

Graffi 2017. Harris, Chomsky and the origins of transformational grammar, bl. 48-87.

Harris, R.A. 1993. The linguistics wars.

Hogan, P.C. (ed.) 2014. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences.

Holcombe 2012. Linguistics.

Ivic 1965. Trends in linguistics. (Hoofstukke 13-18.) (ʼn Ouer bron, maar heel oorsigtelik en bruikbaar.)

Jenkins, L. 2000. Biolinguistics: Exploring the Biology of Language.

Joseph, J.E. 2002. From Whitney to Chomsky: Essays in the History of American Linguistics.

Kasevich e.a. (eds.) 2014. History of Linguistics 2011.

Koerner & Asher (eds.) 1995. Concise history of the language sciences. From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists, bl. 221-450. (‘n Goeie oorsigtelike bron.)

Leko 2013. The Abridged Essential Chomsky.

Levelt 2012. A History of Psycholinguistics. The Pre-Chomskyan Era.

Luraghi & Bubenik 2010. Historical Linguistics: History, Sources and Resources, bl. 8-26.

Lyons 1981. Language and Linguistics.

Martin, J.R. & Y.J. Doran 2015 (eds.) 2015. Systemic Functional Linguistics.

Matthews, P.H. 1997. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics.

Matthews, P.H. 2001. A Short History of Structural Linguistics.

O’Grady e.a. 2009. Contemporary Linguistics. An introduction.

Pennisi & Falzone 2016. Darwinian Biolinguistics. Theory and History of a Naturalistic Philosophy of Language and Pragmatics.

Poole 1999. An Introduction to Linguistics.

Ritchie 2013. It’s time to challenge the notion that there is only one way to speak English.

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  • Vergelyk ook Wikipedia-inskrywings asook taalkundig-biografiese bronne oor besondere verteenwoordigers (soos William Labov oor sosiolinguistiek internasionaal en VN Webb in Afrikaans daaroor) en ook rigtings (soos strukturalisme of taaltegnologie, ens.).
  • Bronne in Nederlands oor die ontwikkeling van die Nederlandse taalkunde in die 20ste eeu

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[1] Die kwessie hier ter sprake is die Tasmaniese taal Palawa Kani, wat volgens sprekers van die taal aan hulle behoort. Wikipedia het naamlik ʼn inskrywing van hierdie taal opgeneem en die hulpbronsentrum van Palawa Kani het hulle versoek om die inskrywing te verwyder. Regsgeleerdes is volgens Robertson 2014 van oordeel dat kunsmatige tale wel aan iemand kan behoort, maar nie ʼn taal wat wyd gebruik word nie.

[2] In hierdie boek vertel die outeur die verhaal van hoe die studie van taal en taaltekste aanleiding gegee het tot die moderne geesteswetenskappe en die totstandkoming van universiteite.