Hoofstuk 1

  1. Diachronie vs. sinchronie as benadering tot taalstudie

De Groot 1968. Inleiding tot de Algemene Taalwetenschap, bl. 5-6.

Lecoutere & Grootaers 1948. Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands, bl. 15-17.

Anderson, J.M. 2010. Historical linguistics, bl. 195-196.

Hammerström 2012. Fundamentals of Diachronic Linguistics, bl. 12-25.

Metcalf 2013. Between methodology and ideology: how facts and theories intertwine in earlier views on diachronic linguistics, bl. 19-31.

Palmer 1972. Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics. A Critical Introduction.

Winters 1992. Diachrony within synchrony: The challenge of cognitive grammar.

Winters, M.E. 2020 (3rd ed.) Historical Linguistics. A cognitive grammar introduction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Book URL: https://benjamins.com/catalog/z.227


Internetbronne soos http://af.wikipedia.org of http://en.wikipedia.org of http://nl.wikipedia.org oor die terme sinchroniese en diachroniese taalkunde.